Imagine all your favorite songs in one place. Install the Deezer app and listen to music anytime, anywhere.
Deezer offers you a selection of over 120 million foreign and domestic songs, which you can listen to through the Yettel network. Deezer also has an "offline" mode of operation, which allows you to enjoy music even when you are abroad, on a plane or for any other reason you do not have access to the Internet.
When you don't have time to make lists, there is also a large selection of thematic radio stations that Deezer makes available to you. All you have to do is select your favorite artist or genre and enjoy unlimited music.
Price and how to activate?
The Deezer service is available to all users (natural persons) through the Yettel application and is valid for 30 days from the day of activation.
If you are a Yettel Mobile or Yettel package user within the Yettel application, you can opt for Deezer and use it without additional compensation, within the package.
The activated add-on is automatically renewed every month, and you can unsubscribe at any time via the Yettel application.
Price: RSD 599 per month, or 30 days from the day of activation.