Choose Instagram add-on and you get 10GB of Internet traffic asigned for using this service up to 30 days.
This service is available for Android and iOS operating systems. If you are in roaming, Internet traffic spent on Instagram service will be charged under the standard Price List of the roaming package you are using and the amount of data spent.
Price and how to activate?
Instagram is available for all users via the Yettel application and is valid for 30 days from the day of activation. Instagram activation as a tariff add-on is charged for RSD 179 including tax.
If you are a user of Prenesi 250 or a Total package, within the Yettel application you can opt for Instagram and use it without additional compensation, within the package.
The activated add-on is automatically renewed every month, and you can unsubscribe at any time via the Yettel application.
Price: RSD 179 per month, or 30 days from the day of activation.