Always have something to read
Read anytime anywhere because with Bookmate you have access to thousands of books on your phone, tablet or laptop. You can use the app offline so you don't need to worry about additional Internet charges. Many international titles are available in English as well.
Customise your preferences
For the best ebook experience, adjust the brightness and change the font or the background screen colour.
Need some suggestions?
Anyone can create a themed bookshelf and you can browse and subscribe to any you like the look of.
Across all devices
Audiobooks synchronize between your devices. Pick up where you left off on your smartphone or tablet..
Price and how to activate?
If you use any Yettel Mobile ili Yettel tariff plan, you can choose Bookmate as one of free apps within the package, via Yettel app or portal.
Bookmate is available as an add-on as well, for the price of 599 RSD (VAT included)
Price: RSD 599 per month, or 30 days from the day of activation.