Roaming add-ons
Feel at home even while traveling
To feel at home even when traveling, activate the roaming add-ons according to your needs. There are 7 or 15-day add-ons available, and you can easily activate them via the Yettel app or by sending a USSD code.
"Europe" add-ons are valid in all networks in all European countries (except Western Balkan countries)
Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark (including Greenland and Faroe Islands), Estonia, Finland, France, Gibraltar, Greece, Netherlands, Croatia, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania , Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Norway, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and Great Britain (including the Isles of Guernsey, Jersey and Man).
1 GB
7 days
3 GB
15 days
25 min
7 days
50 min
15 days
"World" add-ons are valid in the following countries:
Australia, Azerbaijan, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Georgia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Israel (including operator Jawal Palestine), Japan, Armenia, Republic of South Africa, South Korea, Canada, Qatar, Kazakhstan, China (except Macau Administrative Area), Mexico , USA, Singapore, Thailand and UAE, Senegal and Papua New Guinea.
1 GB
7 days
3 GB
15 days
25 min
7 days
50 min
15 days
This add-on is valid in all networks in Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Albania and in AP Kosovo and Metohija.
Western Balkans
1 GB
7 days