“Kampino 2023“ successfully completed
September 18 - A
start-up camp for young entitled “Kampino” was held from September 12 to 14 in
the NTP Start-up center in Čačak.
students from twelve towns and municipalities in Serbia participated in the camp.
Students were divided into twelve teams and had three days to develop
innovative ideas from different fields with their mentors. Three teams
presented solutions in the field of “Green Technology,” three teams developed
solutions in the area of “Medicine and Technology,” while two teams identified problems and developed their proposals in the field of applied
technology in each category- the gaming industry, food production/agriculture, and sports.
The team
“CollabCare” won, presenting the idea of developing a platform to establish cooperation between doctors and more efficient, precise, and faster diagnostics.
Company Yettel supported this educational event and provided four tablets for members of the winning team.