Code of ethics
Yettel is part of international investment company, PPF Group. The PPF Group is a broadly diversified investment group from the perspective of geography and sectors. Despite this significant diversification, the PPF Group is united in respect to comply with legal regulations, international treaties, rules of ethics, morals, and fair commercial conduct.
The purpose of Yettel’s code of ethics (the “Code of Ethics”) is to identify fundamental rules that are complied with by the PPF Group and Yettel during the performance of its day-to-day activities and establish corresponding obligations of the PPF Group, Yettel and their Associates in relation to them. The Code of Ethics also establishes a framework within which all other internal regulations of Yettel and the PPF Group shall be interpreted.
Yettel has an interest in complying with rules of the Code of Ethics in all its activities and in circumstances, i.e. that fundamental principles, values, and rules of the PPF Group and Yettel are respected. Therefore, Yettel has approved this Code of Ethics that summarizes its fundamental values, thus it facilitates their understanding, interpretation, and application to day-to-day activities by the company and all its associates.